New Website, New Rugs and More Updates

We are excited to announce the arrival of our new and improved website! Mike has been hard at work designing while I have been adding our rugs and rug guides. If you have any questions or feedback please reach out to us >

This past year has been full of changes, most importantly the birth of our beautiful baby boy, Travis!


We have been out and about all summer finding great antique and vintage Oriental rugs for you with our new little helper. Here are a couple of my personal favorites:


A vintage Nichols Chinese rug I was dying to keep. Woven with eye-catching gold, pink and purple highlights this beauty is sure to add character to any space. Check it out here >


Being a family-run business is a blast. My mom loves getting involved and picked this antique Caucasian rug up for us. Check it out >

Last one, I promise. We see a lot of vintage Karaja rugs but they typically have red or ivory fields. This one is extra attractive with a dark purple-black field with red, ivory and blue highlights. The design and color combo of this rug are so exciting! See more photos here >

We will be posting updated as well as new articles on our blog in the coming weeks and months so be sure to check back soon.

Also keep an eye out for a rug sale coming up in the next couple weeks and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on all of our sales and new arrivals. 

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